Kevin Meuret and Family

Kevin Meuret and Family

Elizabeth Clair Meuret Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kevin Meuret, along with his six surviving children, created a scholarship in 2020 to honor the memory of the second-youngest Meuret, Elizabeth. Only with us for a short time, Elizabeth made a lifetime of impact on each of us. In an effort to honor her memory combined with our family’s commitment to life-long learning and self-improvement, we felt it fitting to establish a pathway to provide assistance to deserving students studying healing arts. All monies generated and donated to this fund are to provide scholarships, awarded annually to high school seniors in St Louis County headed into healing arts at an accredited college or university. This scholarship is renewable 3 times which can provide 4 years of assistance to deserving young people in Elizabeth’s name.
For more information please visit our website.