Zonta Club of St. Louis Young Women in Leadership Award Program

The goal of the Zonta International Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Award Program is to encourage young women to participate in public affairs by recognizing a commitment to the volunteer sector, evidence of volunteer leadership achievements and a dedication to empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.

In order for more women to be represented in key decision making positions worldwide, we must encourage young women to pursue careers or seek leadership positions in public policy making, government and volunteer organizations and further their education with these aims in view.

‘Public affairs’ refers to all aspects of community life where decisions have to be made about issues which relate to and affect those communities in which people work and live.

By recognizing the commitments of pre-university women students, aged 16-19 years, to service in their communities and leadership achievements, we acknowledge a commitment to the advancement of the status of women worldwide. The Zonta Club of St. Louis award $1,000 to one student at the local level.

The club winner of this local award will be submitted for possible district and international recognition.

Applicants must be:

  • Female
  • Age 16-19 on April 1st of the year you are applying
  • A resident of the Missouri counties of Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles, St. Louis or the City of St. Louis and the Illinois counties of Madison, Monroe or St. Clair.

Applicants also must:

  • Have an active commitment to volunteerism.
  • Have experience in local government, student government, or workplace leadership (paid or unpaid).
  • Demonstrate volunteer leadership achievements.
  • Have knowledge of Zonta International and its programs.
  • Support Zonta International’s mission of empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.

Questions? Contact Linda White at lindawhite.stl@gmail.com

Zonta Club of St. Louis
Supplemental Questions
  1. What is your age as of April 1, 2024?
  2. Where were you born? (City/State/Country)
  3. What is your country of citizenship?
  4. Applicant's Current Employer
  5. Applicant's Current Employer Address
  6. Select at least one type of payment that you are applying for:
  7. PERSONAL GOALS: Please describe in short your anticipated course of study and current career interests, including whether and how you plan to be active in volunteer or community organizations. (150 words) Please provide the word count at the end of your answer.
  8. ACTIVITIES RELATED TO YOUR SCHOOL/WORKPLACE: Please include (a) your leadership experience, and (b) what you find most rewarding or valuable about your participation in these activities (no more than 200 words). Please provide the word count at the end of your answer.
  9. ACTIVITIES NOT RELATED TO YOUR SCHOOL/WORKPLACE: Describe the activities in which you participate as a volunteer that benefit other causes and any leadership roles you have had in those activities. Please include with these activities a description of any experience in local government, international, or other projects (no more than 200 words). Please provide the word count at the end of your answer.
  10. INTERNATIONAL AWARENESS: Describe the activities you participate in which increase your experience, knowledge and understanding of other countries and their different customs (no more than 150 words). Please provide the word count at the end of your answer.
  11. STATUS OF WOMEN IN YOUR COUNTRY: Describe your experience in building a better world for women and girls through service and/or advocacy. Are there any issues which hinder women’s and girls’ empowerment in your country? Describe your ideas for resolving them (no more than 300 words). Please provide the word count at the end of your answer.
  12. Zonta Young Women in Public Affairs RECOMMENDATION: Enter the name and e-mail address of a teacher, school official, supervisor or community leader who will submit a letter of recommendation on your behalf. NOTE: As the applicant, it is your responsibility to inform that person to watch for an email sent on your behalf from support@myscholarshipcentral.org that will explain how to complete this process.
  13. Zonta Young Women in Public Affairs SECOND RECOMMENDATION: Enter the name and e-mail address of a teacher, school official, supervisor or community leader who will submit a letter of recommendation on your behalf. NOTE: As the applicant, it is your responsibility to inform that person to watch for an email sent on your behalf from support@myscholarshipcentral.org that will explain how to complete this process.
  14. By typing my name in the box below, I certify that all of the information contained in my application form is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I did not receive assistance in completing the essay portions of this application. I confirm that I am not a family member of a classified member and/or employee of Zonta International. I understand that, at the option of the Zonta club sponsoring the competition, I may be interviewed as a candidate for the Young Women in Public Affairs Award. I consent to the electronic or hard copy publication by Zonta International of material in my application.
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