The L. Allen Zorensky Fine Arts Loan Fund

Jewish Federation of St. Louis is the Jewish community’s central philanthropic, planning and community-building organization. Founded in 1901, we are one of the region’s most respected and effective nonprofit organizations. Our mission is to mobilize the Jewish community and its human and financial resources to preserve and enhance Jewish life in St. Louis, in Israel and around the world. We help ensure that every individual in our community can live their life with dignity, meaning and purpose.

The L. Allen Zorensky Fine Arts Loan Fund awards interest-free loans to students pursuing an education in fine arts or other arts at a post-secondary level at a recognized accredited academic institution. Loan recipients must sign a promissory note in which the recipient agrees to repay the loan, in full, within five years of graduation.

Applicants must be Jewish and from the greater St. Louis Metropolitan area.

Please direct questions to (314) 442-3824.

Supplemental Questions
  1. How long have you lived in the St. Louis Area?
  2. Do you consider yourself Jewish?
  3. Please provide the following information for your parent(s) and or legal guardian(s):
    • Name
    • Occupation
    • Permanent Address
  4. Please list the name of your spouse, if applicable:
  5. Please list the names and ages of any dependents you may have:
    • Dependent age
    • Dependent name
  6. Have you previously applied for a JCF scholarship?
  7. Upload your 2024-2025 FAFSA Submission Summary.
  8. Financial Information: Please note your anticipated expenses for the coming school year:
    • 1. Tuition amount
    • 2. Room and board amount
    • 3. Books and supplies
    • 4. Transportation
    • 5. Other (please note amount and explanation)
  9. Please explain any special circumstances or expenses that may affect your financial need.
  10. Please list any special honors, awards, scholarships and/or fellowships you have received:
    • Date received:
    • Special honor, award, scholarship and/or fellowship name:
  11. Employment
    • 1. Employer
    • 2. Address
    • 3. Position
    • 4. Frequency (ie. hours/week)
    • 5. Dates (start date/end date)
  12. Please list any community and/or civic activities or organizations in which you have participated:
    • 1. Brief description of activity
    • 2. Frequency (ie. hours/week)
    • 3. Dates (from/to)
  13. Please describe any other special interests you have:
  14. Briefly outline your education and career plans.
  15. Please tell us about yourself and why you think you merit a scholarship or interest free loan from the Jewish Federation of St. Louis. Include what your Jewish identity means to you and/or experience with the Jewish community (day camps, experience with a Jewish organization, etc.) If you are a first generation college student, please give additional details. Please limit your essay to no more than 1,000 words.
  16. SCHOLARSHIP CENTRAL RECOMMENDATION: Enter the name and e-mail address of an instructor, counselor, advisor, supervisor or other similarly qualified individual who will submit a recommendation on your behalf. NOTE: As the applicant, it is your responsibility to inform that person to watch for an email sent on your behalf that will explain how to complete this process.
  17. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: By entering my full name below, I authorize The Jewish Federation of St. Louis and its agents to examine, verify and discuss my academic and/or financial records and other information which applies to the consideration of this application. I certify that all answers are accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge, and that all information in the application and essays are my own work.
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