American Legion Boys Nation

The American Legion Boys State of Missouri invites all exceptional leaders selected to participate in the 2024 session of Missouri Boys State to apply for participation in The American Legion Boys Nation program held in Washington, DC from July 19 to July 26, 2024. Boys State representatives will choose two senators from the applications received during the application period to participate in the 2024 session of Boys Nation. Two alternates will also be selected should either of the selected participants be unable to participate. All travel expenses, lodging and ground transportation and participation fees will be covered by The American Legion. The Boys Nation program is a highly competitive national program designed to teach the inner workings of the U.S. Senate and basic law-making skills. You must complete the entire week of Boys State to be eligible. If you are unable to participate in Boys Nation during the week of July 19-26, 2024, please do not apply.

Supplemental Questions
  1. What AP Classes have you taken and/or are planning to take?
  2. What do you want to achieve at Missouri Boys State? What are your goals?
  3. What leadership experience do you have in your school/community? Describe your leadership style.
  4. Describe your greatest academic achievement thus far? (100 words or less)
  5. Essay: What is the biggest challenge you have faced? How have you addressed this challenge?
  6. What do you see yourself doing in 15 years?
  7. Who is your favorite elected official/politician (dead or alive)? Why?
  8. At Boys Nation, each Senator will present a bill. What bill would you present at Boys Nation? What is the topic? What are the main points?
  9. What role will technology play in the future and what are the risks in the next 5 or 10 years? Social media? AI? Other?
  10. What is something about which you have changed your mind in the last three years?
  11. Why would you be a good representative of Missouri at Boys Nation?
  12. REFERENCE: Enter the name and e-mail address of a non-family member who will serve as a character reference on your behalf. (NOTE: Please inform the person you offered as a reference that they may be contacted by a scholarship committee member).
  13. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: By entering my full name below, I authorize Missouri Boys State staff and representatives of the various scholarship committees to examine, verify and discuss my academic, financial and other personal information as provided in this application. I certify that all answers are accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge, and that all information in the application and essays are my own work.
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