Nike Latino & Friends Network Scholarship

The purpose of the Scholarship Program of the Latino & Friends Network STL is to promote and advance the education of Hispanics & Latinos in the Missouri region. The scholarship program rewards academic achievement by providing funding for higher education. The Latino & Friends Network STL Scholarship Program is funded through the AIR MANUFACTURING INNOVATION/NIKE, Inc United Network Fund and the annual operating budget. The Latino & Friends Network STL awards and disburses the money to Hispanic & Latino students who attend an accredited college, university or institution of higher learning.

Eligibility Criteria
Applicants are Hispanic/Latino (at least one great-grandparent, grandparent, or parent must be/have been Hispanic/Latino).
Applicants are seeking an associate or baccalaureate (college student or high-school graduate) as a full time student
Applicants must have an official address in Missouri
Applicants are accepted or enrolled in an accredited college, university or institution of higher learning in the United States as a degree-seeking student by June 30.
Must be majoring in one of the following areas: STEM (science, technology, engineering, math), business, accounting or IT/OT/Cybersecurity (Information technology, Operational technology, Computer Drafting & Design)

The selection process for scholarship candidates is competitive, and scholarship funds are awarded without regard to financial need. Each year, the Board of Co-Chairs and Pillars of the Latino & Friends Network STL determines the number of scholarships to be awarded and their amount.

The scholarship money will go strictly direct to the Scholar Institution.

Previous scholarship recipients are eligible to reapply for further scholarship award by submitting a current application according to the eligibility and guidelines as applicable.

Questions? Contact

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a descendent of someone born in a Hispanic/Latino country? Please name the relation.
  2. Birthplace
  3. Parent/Guardian 1 Place of Birth
  4. Parent/Guardian 2 Place of Birth
  5. Parent (or legal guardian) 1 Occupation or Title
  6. Parent (or legal guardian) 2 Occupation or Title
  7. Parent 1 highest level of education:
  8. Parent 2 highest level of education
  9. What is the current marital status of your parents?
  10. Please list all the clubs, organizations and athletic teams you have been involved in and number of years participating. If you have held a position or earned awards, please list those as well.
  11. Community/Volunteer Activities: List community activities in which you have participated without pay. Do not abbreviate organization names. List dates of participation in mm/yy format. Be sure to include a contact name and phone number
  12. Please briefly describe your personal involvement in the Hispanic Community. Be sure to include a contact name and phone number.
  13. Essay: Submit an essay of up to 500 words on the following topic: How do you engage with your Hispanic identity? Please provide specific examples.
  14. List scholarships and financial aid that you already know you will receive for next year.
    • Dollar Amount
    • Program/Scholarship Name
  15. SCHOLARSHIP CENTRAL RECOMMENDATION: Enter the name and e-mail address of an instructor, counselor, advisor, supervisor or other similarly qualified individual who will submit a recommendation on your behalf. NOTE: As the applicant, it is your responsibility to inform that person to watch for an email sent on your behalf that will explain how to complete this process.
  16. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: By entering my full name below, I authorize The Nike Latino & Friends Network and their agents to examine, verify and discuss my academic and other information that apply to the consideration of this application. I certify that all answers are accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge, and that all information in the application and essays are my own work. I understand that the decisions made regarding my participation in this program are made by The Nike Latino & Friends Network Scholarship in reliance upon the truth and correctness of my statements.
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