MASFAP Who's Making A Difference Scholarship (The Missouri Association of Student Financial Aid Personnel)

The Missouri Association of Student Financial Aid Personnel (MASFAP) is dedicated to serving students and opening avenues to access the benefits of higher education and advocating for the maintenance of high ethical standards in the financial aid profession. Through early awareness and outreach we strive to help students to achieve and fulfill their dreams of a post- secondary education. We want to know who is making a difference and inspiring you to fulfill your dreams of a post-secondary education! Share your inspiring story with us and be considered for a one-time $1,000 scholarship.

Open to any 2025 Graduating Senior from a Missouri High School planning to attend a private or public 2 or 4 year institution, or vocational-technical school in Missouri in Fall 2025.

Selecting a recipient:
We are looking for inspiring stories about students and people who make a difference in the lives of students. (Remember: grammar and spelling are important in any essay contest!) The MASFAP Early Awareness Committee will select the top 10 applications/stories. The top 10 applications/stories will be shared with the MASFAP Membership and will be voted upon at the annual conference.

Confirmation of enrollment at Missouri private or public 2 or 4 year institution, or vocational-technical school will be requested before payment is made. A check will be issued in the amount of $1,000.00 to the school you are attending in Fall 2025 to be applied to your student account. This scholarship can be used for: tuition, institutional fees, room, board, or books

Questions? Contact

The Missouri Association of Student Financial Aid Personnel (MASFAP)
Supplemental Questions
  1. Tell us about your extracurricular activities and community service experience. Include any leadership roles and/or work experience.
    • Activity/Organization
    • Dates of Participation
    • Role
  2. What are your post-secondary education goals? ( Please tell us more than just "want to go to college.")
  3. ESSAY: Write a 300-word essay that that describes a person in your life who is inspiring you to fulfill your post-secondary education dreams.
  4. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: By entering my full name below, I authorize MASFAP and its agents to examine, verify and discuss my academic records and other information which applies to the consideration of this application. I certify that the scholarship will be used to help me complete my education. I also certify that all answers are accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge, and that all information in the application and essays are my own work.