St. Johns Bank Excellence Scholarship Program

The St. Johns Bank Excellence Scholarship Program is for high school seniors who are continuing their education full-time (12 hours or more) at a community college, 4-year college or university located in the states of Missouri, Illinois, or Kansas. Preference will be given to students planning to major in Banking, Finance, or Business Administration. The scholarships can be used for tuition, room and board, or books.

St. Johns Bank Excellence Program will award a total of three scholarships: one to a St. Charles County high school senior, one to a St. Louis County high school senior and one to a senior at Ritenour High School in St. John.


  • Applicants do NOT need to be St. Johns Bank customers
  • Recipients must attend a two or four year college or university in Missouri, Illinois or Kansas.
  • Open to current high school seniors who will be graduating from one of the following high schools:
    Fort Zumwalt East High School, Fort Zumwalt Hope High School, Fort Zumwalt North High School, Fort Zumwalt South High School, Fort Zumwalt West High School
    Francis Howell Central High School, Francis Howell High School, Francis Howell North High School
    McCluer High School, McCluer North High School, McCluer South-Berkeley High School
    Pattonville High School
    Ritenour High School
    St. Charles High School, St. Charles West High School
    Orchard Farm High School
    Holt High School, Liberty High School, Timberland High School, North Point High School
    Hazelwood West High School, Hazelwood East High School, Hazelwood Central High School
    Private schools located in the following districts: Orchard Farm, Wentzville, Hazelwood, Ritenour, Francis Howell, Fort Zumwalt, Pattonville, Ferguson Florissant, and St. Charles

Selection of the recipients is based upon the following criteria:
1. Achievement/Overall Ability To Succeed
2. Essay
3. Financial Need

Awards will be distributed at awards night at the high school in May 2025.

Questions? Call Laurie Sybert, Scholarship Coordinator, at 314-428-1000

St. Johns Bank
Supplemental Questions
  1. What is your status at your first and second choice schools?
    • 1. College/University Name
    • 2. Have you applied for admission?
    • 3. Have you been accepted?
  2. Why do you want to continue your education beyond high school?
  3. What are your career plans after college graduation?
  4. Parent (or legal guardian) 1 Full Name
  5. Parent (or legal guardian) 1 Home Phone Number
  6. List high school activities (sports, clubs, offices, etc.).
    • 1. Activity
    • 2. Describe involvement (position, office, award, honors, letter, recognition)
    • 3. Years
  7. List service projects completed with school organizations.
    • 1. Organization
    • 2. Years
    • 3 Project/Responsibilities
  8. List any other activities (youth groups, community groups, etc.).
    • 1. Activity
    • 2. Describe involvement
    • 3. Years
  9. Employment
    • 1. Employer
    • 2. Address
    • 3. Position
    • 4. Frequency (ie. hours/week)
    • 5. Dates (start date/end date)
  10. ESSAY: In the future, how will you use your higher education to better yourself and the community? How will this impact the banking industry? (500 words or less)
  11. What are the approximate fixed costs (excluding spending money) for your freshman year?
    • 1. Tuition & Fees
    • 2. Room & Board
    • 3. Books
    • 4. Total
  12. Please provide any information regarding financial need that you feel should be considered when reviewing your application:
  13. What are your plans for financing your college education?
  14. Have you received any other scholarships or awards?
    • 1. Scholarship Name/Organization
    • 2. Award Amount
  15. Number of children, including yourself, who depend upon your parents for support.
    • Child's Age
    • In College Now?
    • Percent of Financial Support Given By Parents
  16. Upon notification of receiving a St. Johns Bank Excellence Scholarship, I authorize the use of my name in press releases and other print materials.
  17. If you selected "other"on the question above, please let us know your concerns.
  18. By entering my full name below, I authorize St. Johns Bank and its agents to examine, verify and discuss my academic records and other information which applies to the consideration of this application. I certify that the information provided on the application and all supporting documentation submitted at any time is true, correct, and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
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