Ferguson-Florissant School District Scholarship
The Ferguson-Florissant School District Scholarship program is designed to encourage district students to accomplish their post-high school educational goals. Students with good behavior and academic standing may apply for scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $2,000.. These scholarships may be used for undergraduate studies at two-year and four-year colleges, universities, and nonprofit technical schools.
Ferguson-Florissant School District scholarships will be awarded to:
• Seniors currently enrolled at McCluer High School, McCluer North High School, STEAM Academy at McCluer South-Berkley, or Innovation School at Cool Valley who completed their junior year at one of the district high schools.
• Academically qualified applicants who have achieved a weighted, cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above
• Applicants who have achieved a record of good behavior
Evaluation and Selection:
Applications will be evaluated based on information provided by the student on the application and the high school transcript based on the following rubric:
• Essay—Well-crafted 200 – 300 word essay that includes your educational plans and career goals—20 points
• Academics—ACT/SAT Score and GPA (weighted)—20 points
• Activities—Participation and/or leadership in school, community groups, and employment—10 points
Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please answer all questions that apply to you, even if they are not marked “required."
Generous donors have made several scholarships available. Individual scholarships may have additional selection criteria, such as attendance area, area of academic interest, or participation in a specific district program. Questions on the application will determine your eligibility for individual awards.
- The Mary and Ike Eichenberger Music Scholarship requires a separate application, which is also available on My Scholarship Central.
For information, contact these counselors:
Adriel Betts, McCluer North High School – abetts@fergflor.org
Alexandria Smith, McCluer High School – asmith1@fergflor.org
Aloni Jordan, STEAM High School at McCluer South Berkeley – ajordan1@fergflor.org
Qiana Smith, Innovation High School at Cool Valley – qsmith@fergflor.org
Applicants will be notified of award status in mid-April and should log in to their Scholarship Central account to see the status. Recipients will be honored at their school’s recognition assembly. Award checks will be mailed to the college or university in early August pending confirmation of final school choice and student ID number.
The Ferguson-Florissant School District Scholarship program is administered by the St. Louis Community Foundation and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, national origin, gender, age, color, sexual orientation, veteran status, physical or mental disability.
- Award
- at least $1,000
- Deadline
- 04/01/2025
- Supplemental Questions
- To be considered for this scholarship, your Scholarship Central General Application MUST include your FALL transcript for the current academic year. The transcript should show your name, school, grades, and cumulative GPA. If you previously uploaded an earlier transcript, please upload a new transcript to your General Application and change your answer to the GPA question. If your college choice has changed, please update that on the General Application as well.
- Ferguson-Florissant School District Student Number
- Weighted, cumulative GPA after 7 semesters of high school:
- Name(s) of your elementary school(s) and the grades you attended:
- Did you complete your junior year in the Ferguson-Florissant School District?
- Were you a PROBE student?
- ESSAY: Tell us about your gifts, talents, and strengths. How will these gifts, talents, and strengths help as you pursue your degree? (500 words or less)
- Why did you choose your field of study and what are your plans when you complete your degree? Share your goals and vision for your career. (200 words or less)
- School Activities: List your major activities and provide detail about honors, awards and athletic letters you have received.
- 1. School Activity
- 2. Related honors, awards or athletic letters earned
- 3. Leadership positions
- 4. Grades of participation
- Did you letter in cross country?
- A+ Tutoring or Community Activities
- 1. A+ Activity
- 2. Related honors, awards or athletic letters earned
- 3. Leadership positions
- 4. Grades of participation
- If you participated in Boy Scouts or Scouting BSA, please tell us about your experience.
- If you will be enrolling at an HBCU, please enter the school name:
- Employment
- 1. Employment
- 2. Related honors or awards
- 3. Leadership positions
- 4. Period of Employment
- Parent (or legal guardian) 1 Full Name
- Parent (or legal guardian) 1 Mailing Address, City, State, Zip Code
- Parent (or legal guardian) 1 Cell Phone Number
- Parent (or legal guardian) 2 Full name
- Parent (or legal guardian) 2 Mailing Address, City, State, Zip Code
- SIGNATURE: By entering my full name below, I certify that the information I have provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I authorize the St. Louis Community Foundation and its agents to examine, verify and discuss my academic records and other information that applies to the consideration of this application. My signature also signifies that, if awarded, I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the St. Louis Community Foundation of any changes to my college plans and that I understand that some portion of scholarship awards I receive from any source may be considered taxable income if the total amount exceeds the cost of tuition and course related fees, supplies and equipment.
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